
“A permanent reference point does not exist.”   Author Unknown Reflections Finally, I’m catching my breath long enough to sit down and write a post-script. I’m finding that processing is a continuous process (imagine that). In other words, this is what I’ve concluded up until today. Tomorrow may change. To start with, I hit theContinue reading “Debrief”

Buenos Aires and Beyond

I’m still alive and still in South America. Buenos Aires to be exact. I’m having a great time visiting friends, exploring the city and discovering new places outside of the grand metropolis like Cerro Champaqi in Córdoba, Parque National El Palmer north of BsAs province and Uruguay. It was strange and scary riding into BuenosContinue reading “Buenos Aires and Beyond”

Still Rolling Along

I’m finding out that not having a “goal” per se affords a entirely different riding experience. The old adage, “If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there,” definitely holds true for bike touring, in the most positive sense possible. North Americans are so goal driven (including me). If we’re notContinue reading “Still Rolling Along”

Life After Ushuaia

It’s difficult to regroup and move forward after being laser focused on a specific goal for five months. In Ushuaia, I had time to weigh the pros and cons of several options.  In the end, I decided to continue my ride up the Atlantic coast of Argentina on Route 3 (Ruta 3). This decision wasContinue reading “Life After Ushuaia”

Tierra del Fuego

Sorry for the huge gap in time and space. It’s been difficult to connect to wifi and find time to post. I get one or the other but never both at the same time. I finished the Carretera Austral a few weeks ago. It was both challenging and incredible at the same time. The lastContinue reading “Tierra del Fuego”

Carretera Austral

After about two months in Argentina on Route 40, I crossed the border back into Chile at Futaleufu accompanied by Mariano (Nano) and Guillermo. We were lucky to get a sunny day after hearing about the long stretch of rainy days. Nevertheless, at the end of the first day, the rain came out to christenContinue reading “Carretera Austral”


I’m in the Argentinian side of Patagonia. I’ve been here for about three weeks, since I crossed into the province of Neuquén after Mendoza. But only for the past week, as I rode through Villa Pehuenia, San Martin de los Andes, Villa Angostura, Bariloche, and El Bolsón have I been surrounded by mountains, rivers, andContinue reading “Patagonia”